Texamine Marking System
Complete Solution for Exam Administration and Digital EvaluationWhat is TMS-Digital Evaluation ?
Most Universities/ Institutes in India & abroad conduct descriptive exam to evaluate students. To answer these descriptive questions, students organize ideas and support these ideas with examples or evidence. The role of Descriptive exams can’t be overemphasized in knowledge based economy considering the pivotal role played by them in refining, imbibing, inculcating & enhancing student knowledge, intellect etc. Technology is permeating in Education and metamorphosing the complete learning cycle. Assessment, which is the backbone of learning can’t be left to archaic type of evaluation processes.
Texamine Marking System (TMS) is an On-Screen Marking Solution, also called Digital Evaluation which enables digitization of physical Answer scripts to electronic form through scanned images and makes available all the pages, answers, tabulated reports online to evaluator, administrator and student. TMS combines the ease of manual evaluation with the flexibility, accuracy and control of computer based systems. TMS enables the Administrator to assign Answer scripts to Evaluators and provides online reports on number of answer scripts being examined by individual evaluator. TMS enables Evaluators to mark, comment, and write on the digital answer script as they do on manual answer copies. TMS frees Evaluators from carrying assigned answer script, making tabulation and reports, enable evaluation of answer scripts at individual convenience and pace. Administrators share evaluated answer scripts with Students online, which could be a good mechanism for increasing transparency in evaluation and helping students improve by understanding and analysing the mistakes made while taking the exam.
- Administrative and logistical
- Record storage & Evaluation errors
- Regulatory obligations
- Multi-Level Evaluation
The manual process of conducting examinations and transporting the answer scripts to the respective marking centres/locations, is not only time consuming, but also requires significant people resources, at various levels. This results in increased costs and efforts while increasing chances of errors / loss / damage. No Logistic required for shipping of papers to different evaluators or colleges for evaluating answer booklets.
Apart from the logistical challenges, there are also instances where the evaluators’ oversight might lead to calculation errors or unchecked questions, pages, misplaced, mutilated answer scripts that can be detrimental to a candidate’s career as well as impact the institution’s reputation. Multi-level evaluation for more Fair and refined evaluation which Increased in Transparency and better confidence levels on the quality of marking. Digital storage which eliminates the risk of hardcopy destruction.
Education sector which comes under the ambit of Right to Information (RTI) obligates educational institutions to maintain evaluated answer scripts and retrieve the relevant one within stipulated timelines. This is a challenge examination bodies are trying to address. The recent Supreme Court ruling that University authorities must usher in transparency and provide photocopies of candidates’ answer books under the Right to Information (RTI) Act further emphasizes the need for embracing technology in terms of managing the evaluation of the Descriptive Answer Scripts. By TMS Digital Evaluation System any request for re-evaluation or Answer Script photocopy can be retrieved instantaneously over internet with secure access authorisation method.
This is one of the key feature of TMS. In the traditional way of manual evaluation when a second level evaluation is required, The university/board has to make two sets of answer script photocopy (which is already evaluated) for every candidates or the candidate who applied for re-evaluation and send across the physical copy to two different evaluators via post, which is huge time consuming process and added cost, similarly for third level evaluation three sets of photocopy are required for sending it to three different evaluators an so on. Through TMS Digital Evaluation the answer scripts can be assigned to multiple evaluators at the same time without disclosing of each level marks among evaluators. University/Board can control and monitor every parameter of Digital Evaluation and set trigger percentage for multi-level evaluation through TMS University Admin Panel.
TMS at a glance
A brief about TMS application and user benifits- Fast, Easy, Reliable and Secured way of evaluation process.
- University / Board can easily implement Marking Guidance to all evaluators.
- Real time progress monitoring of evaluation
- Fast and secured way to allocate the script
- No logistic required for assigning the Answer Script to evaluators.
- Provision of multiple evaluations for accurate result.
- Save Time and Cost.
- Faster processing of result
- RTI compliance.
- Reduced cost, effort and time in complying with RTI, to make answer scripts available to students.
- Instead of mailing Xerox copies of marked scripts to candidates, secure online access of archived marked answer scripts can be provided on request
- Flexibility to evaluator for evaluating the Scripts from anywhere or from a centralized location in a secured environment.
- Automated Totalling of marks hence no manual error.
- Reduced cost for support and handling of answer scripts after evaluation.
- All scanned scripts are archived in digital format.
- Easy retrieval of answer script as and when required.
- Provision of customization as per University requirement.
- Dashboard and Report access
- The student details are masked.
- Secured and Role based access to answer scripts to all personal.
For more information and live demo drop us a mail to eexam@texamine.com